
We can build monitoring frameworks. After we build a great framework together, we like to stick around and support you to implement the thing.


We do lots of different types of evaluations. All programs, large and small, lots of sectors, simple and complex. We can’t do it all, but we can do a lot of it.


We really value and enjoy doing evaluations alongside staff and the people who are using the program. If a program is for the people, then the evaluation should be done by the people.


We have so much academic, technical, and practical evaluation knowledge and experience to share. We prefer to mentor and coach individuals or teams over time. The learning is relevant to your real world experience, and learning deepens over time.



Being informed helps us be adaptive. We hear what you want and then we build methods and ways of working that are responsive to your context.


When you have stuck around a sector for a long time, you learn a few things. We have deep academic, practical, and experiential knowledge and understanding of all things evaluation.

Simple and robust

Our special skill and unique contribution to evaluation is our ability to explain evaluation simply and clearly.


We think the purpose of evaluation is to give a voice to the people who use the programs we work on.



We have provided in-house support and completed external evaluations of community arts organisations,


We have completed codesign and external evaluations of school programs here and overseas.


We have undertaken external evaluations of environmental programs for the Government and iNGOs.

Family violence

We have undertaken external evaluations and developed monitoring frameworks for government, NGOs, and iNGOs—here and overseas.

First Nations

We have been fortunate to be invited to undertake external evaluations of programs led by First Nations communities. We have worked with governments and NGOs. We have extensive experience delivering work with First Nations peoples.

International development

We have provided monitoring and evaluation services in nine countries for iNGOs, DFAT, and United Nations agencies.


We have written and delivered evaluation subjects for Undergraduate and Master’s students studying youth work and public health. We have undertaken external evaluations and provided monitoring support for many public health programs across government and NGOs.

Newly arrived communities

We have completed evaluations of programs with and for newly arrived communities. Much of our work has focused on participatory methods such as photovoice.

Systems change

We have completed external monitoring work and evaluations of large-scale and complex systems change initatives.

Tertiary education

We have developed and delivered three subjects on monitoring and evaluation for Undergraduate and Masters programs at three tertiary institutions.

Work and learning

We have provided monitoring support and completed external evaluations of place-based work and learning programs for government.


We have substantial experience undertaking monitoring and evaluation work of programs for young people. We have undertaken a significant amount of work that includes young people as co-evaluators.