Safe Relationships

Mackillop Family Services

Safe Relationships was a pilot program for young people aged 10-17 who were using violence in the home. The evaluation included a literature and policy review, an assessment of program processes and documents, and interviews with staff, external stakeholders, and parents.

The report can be viewed here.

Out-of-School Hours Learning Support Programs

Centre for Multicultural Youth

Out-of-school hours learning support programs provide learning and social support for young people and their families in newly arrived and/or refugee/asylum seeker communities. This evaluation reviewed the many programs and initiatives comprising Victoria's out-of-school-hours learning support programs sector. The evaluation examined the typologies of programs, implementation strategies, challenges experienced by the sector, and benefits for young people and their families.

The evaluation reports were released as a series, with a full report, summary report, Photovoice, and four in-depth case studies.

Indigenous Eye Health - Intermediary Evaluation

Indigenous Eye Health Unit - University of Melbourne

For nearly 20 years, the Indigenous Eye Health Unit has sought to end avoidable blindness and redress other eye health problems for Indigenous peoples, employing sector-wide and far-reaching strategies to achieve their goals. Paul Ramsay Foundation commissioned this intermediary evaluation of Indigenous Eye Health to understand better how the unit uses systems approaches to lift the entire sector. The findings emphasise the importance of centring Indigenous leadership and ownership of initiatives that seek to change the lives of Indigenous peoples and their communities.

Read the report here.

Programme evaluation in primary care


Lauren collaborated with Dr Robyn Preston from CQ University and Prof Bunmi Malau-Aduli from James Cook University to contribute chapter on conducting evaluations in primary health care settings, included in the book How to do Primary Care Research, available at Routledge Press.

An excerpt can be read here

Participatory videos for the Harmony in Strings program

We collaborated with Storyscape to produce two participatory videos with Grade Six students at Sacred Heart Primary School in Fitzroy. The students wrote, storyboarded, directed, and shot the videos.

The videos describe their experiences of the Harmony in Strings program, one from a social and emotional perspective and one focused on learning music.